Welcome to Clarenceville Middle School!
Some Things Haven't Changed...
Middle School
24 Hour Absence Line
If your child is going to be absent or tardy please call: 248-919-0272

Please see the district communication flowchart to determine which department/administrator to contact regarding various matters.

Johnson topped Grand Rapids Northview senior Kelly Hartman in the Final, winning the first game 179-170 before rolling a 234 in the second game to earn a 413-332 victory.
Back-to-School Forms
Back-to-School Forms
- If you haven't done so already, please log in to Parent Portal and complete your Back-to-School/Re-enrollment forms and the Household Survey.
- Students of families that do not complete their forms will not receive their schedules and will not be able to participate in extra-curricular activities until the forms are completed.
Drop-Off/Pick-Up Procedures
When dropping off or picking up your students, we ask that you always:
- Use the drop-off/pick-up loop on the southern-most end of the building (click here for map).
- Pull forward along the sidewalk as far as you can to keep traffic from backing up onto Middlebelt Rd.
- Do NOT use the parking lot... it is not safe to do so.
- Thank you to everyone for following these procedures and setting a good example for our students. We appreciate you keeping everyone safe!
Volunteer Information
We Want You in our Building!
- Would you like to get involved at CMS?
- Do you want our students to have more programs and an even safer, friendlier environment?
- Do you have some time that you can give to our students, whether it's an hour or an entire day?
- We would love to talk with you about how you might contribute!
- Maybe you can help supervise lunch or recess?
- Maybe you can supervise arrival and/or departure?
- Maybe you'd like to help tutor students?
- Maybe you would like to help decorate the building?
- Maybe you'd like to help monitor the hallways?
- Maybe you'd like to be a mentor?
- Maybe you're interested in getting a PTSA started?
- Maybe you have some ideas of your own!
If you're interested, please call or email Mr. Kantor (248-919-0271, alan.kantor@clarencevilleschools.org)
Local Business Partnerships
We are Looking to Build Partnerships with Local Businesses and Organizations
- Might your business or organization benefit from partnering with us?
- Might you benefit from some free positive publicity?
- Maybe some of our students could lend you a hand from time to time?
- Maybe some of our students could be your future employees?
If you're interested, please call Mr. Kantor at 248-919-0271 or email him at alan.kantor@clarencevilleschools.org!
Schoolcraft College Partnership
We are partnering with Schoolcraft College!
Our 8th graders will be visiting Schoolcraft College several times during the school year to explore the campus and investigate various career possibilities.
Past Visits: